Flights and Frights, from Toronto to Delhi

It’s the weirdest feeling flying through time zones. This afternoon we arrived in Brussels and for us it was 1:30 AM Canadian time, 7:30 AM Belgian time, and 12:00 PM Indian time. Personally was excited to see the sun since we flew through the night. I was in and out of sleep and am halfway through my first book, Maryn was konked right out since the moment we got on the plane, and Jess had no luck sleeping for at least the first half of the plane ride – she had a hard time getting comfortable, which isn’t surprising given how long her legs are. But the sunrise in Belgium perked us all up.

The plane was packed but I didn’t even mind it. We sat together in the middle section, we put lanky Jess on the aisle and Maryn and I sat in the middle seats with a girl on Maryn’s other side. They gave us blankets AND tiny pillows which I have promptly stashed in my backpack because there’s no way I’m giving up a free pillow. The seat backs also had individual touch screens that you can watch movies on – both Jess and Maryn watched their own movies while I was reading- and play games on. We spent a good portion of the plane ride losing at who wants to be a millionaire (but wouldn’t it be nice if I could come home from this trip with imaginary millions). On the flight we also got served such delicious food, 2 meals and 3 snacks including falafel wraps and fudgecicles. If the airplane food is that good I can’t wait to taste what else we’ll be eating for the next two weeks in India!

Of course our experiences since actually arriving in India have been a little different and definitely of the sketchier variety. Jess has a pretty good depiction of what happened after we got off the plane:
We got picked up straight from the airport and even though it was 1 in the morning, the driving was insane…Maryn defiantly give me a few panicked leg squeezes from all the cutoffs and running of red lights. While driving we’re going through very nice areas of town.. But then we take one turn and it’s instantly into the ghetto of Delhi. The cab driver then stops and I thought I heard that he had taken us to a cheaper place just down the alley. So naturally, instant red flags. But thank goodness it was just our “hotel” that we had booked down the alley. Little did we know we booked this sketchy little room where the towels were wet on the bed, and questionable stains on the beds…but to top it all off when the door guy brought us to our room HE TOOK THE KEY!!?! We’re unsure if we’re just ignorant new travellers and that’s just a thing in india(?) but we’re for sure sleeping with the table against the door tonight.